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Guidelines for your Practice
By Roger Jahnke, O.M.D.
Several guidelines will help make these life-enhancing tools most effective. They will help to keep both your interest and fun levels high, without taking up much of your time:
Do some of these practices every day. Put them at the core of your life and build the rest of your daily activities around them. Consider them as important in your day as you do rest, bathing, and dental hygiene. This will guarantee you the best results.
Keep your practice simple and fun. Start with a few of the methods and add as you wish. If you push to do too much, these simple but powerful activities could become stressors for you and thus become more of a problem than a solution. So keep things simple and light as you begin.
Make up your own system, adapting the order, number, and pace of the methods to accommodate your personal situation. Be the inventor of your practice. Nothing is new under the sun; all of this was created and arranged by someone at sometime in history. Now it is your turn to invent it to fit yourself.
Seek guidance and support, but avoid highly regimented systems and methods whose teachers infer that their approach is the "only" way. You are the greatest expert in your life. Allow your practice to help you become your own best teacher. The practice itself is the supreme teacher.
Find the right attire for your practice. You want to be neither hot nor cool. Seek balance and comfort.
Find the perfect spot for your practice. Generally people prefer an outdoor spot in the park, in the yard, or on the patio but a spot in your bedroom or den may be best for you. Only you know where to be. Set yourself up to succeed. If going outside seems a strain, then know that your perfect spot is inside.
Experiment with different times throughout the day for your primary practice. Most people find it easier to do it first thing, before the busyness of the day takes over. This way you won't end up saying, "I'll do my self-healing practice as soon as I have finished this or that." If this or that does not get done, then you will never practice. This is why the Chinese go into the parks at 5:30 or Coo A.M. Thirty minutes early in the day and then little bits of practice integrated here and there can equal an hour of practice. It's OK to do less; you could start with just ten or fifteen minutes for health maintenance. More is better for improving health or healing an illness. If you are ill, please start slowly.
Do not leave the comfort zone. Increase the intensity of your practice only when it feels easy to do so. Build or regenerate yourself slowly. Success in these practices is not gained by aggressive or compulsive practice. The only useful breakthrough is when you grasp this vision: "I can transform myself." Victory occurs as you gently accelerate the naturally occurring self-healing capability that you were born with. Don't go so far or so fast that you overdo it and create a reason for discontinuing the practice.
Look for opportunities to practice with others. Notice that there is a growing movement for the practice of self-healing methods throughout the country and the world. People always comment that practicing in a group increases the effectiveness of the methods. In China it is believed that people practicing in groups create a "field" of healing energy that participants can draw on. Practice with others and see what you notice.
Focus on relaxing. The foundation of all self-healing, health enhancement, stress mastery, and personal empowerment is deep relaxation. In every aspect of your practice and in everything you do, relax.